Advanced products, stock and menu editing. customer management CRM and integrations with POS and analytics tools

Streamline your operation with weevi's advanced Order management & CRM
Receive orders anywhere On laptops, tablets, smartphones or printers. Through web browsers and apps or sync seamlessly with your POSReceive orders anywhere
Stay in the know and improve your offerings with analytics and behavior insights
- Revenue by shift / day/month/year
- Top products / categories
- Top customers
- Top delivery zones
- Customer sales funnel
- Customer demographics (Age/gender)
- Customer satisfaction rate
- Operation performance
- Drivers performance
- Order duration by phase
- Custom reports with advanced filters
- Sales performance by channel and source
- Returning vs new visitors
- + more...

Access and retain valuable customer data & get to know every customer
Gain valuable insights into your customers by accessing comprehensive data for each individual.
Understand their preferences, ordering history, and behavior to tailor your offerings and improve customer satisfaction and build stronger relationships.
Manage in-house delivery, with order tracking, driver assignments and dispatch follow up
Instantly see available drivers and their current status to assign orders seamlessly. Drivers receive delivery requests directly on their phones, complete with turn-by-turn directions.
Top customers
Experience streamlined delivery management and track driver performance effortlessly with Weevi.

deliver with connected 3rd party delivery providers

Totally integrated
Weevi integration partners network is growing monthly. "Whats better?" Our team is on its marks to integrate with any tools that are open to integrate.
Menu management
Digital wallets
Payment Gateways